Its reasonable to assume that a person's intellectual, perceptional and personality development have reached a mature stage when he/ she reaches the age to apply for admission to a school, college and university of their choice. Their life thus far has been replete with experiences, anecdotes, revelations, realizations and wonderful instances. The Admission Committees want to get a peek into these memories, learning and assimilated experiences. That is why admissions essays are prescribed by most universities covering a range of questions relating to various aspects of an individual's personality.
The challenge for the aspirant is to sift through these myriad and often multi-dimensional memories and come up with essays which:
- Depict his/her attitude accurately
- Address the question asked in the essay in the most
effective manner.
- Present a peep into the student's motivation, energy, and
other personal qualities such as ability to take criticism
positively, learning orientation, intellectual development etc.
- Are creative, interesting, catchy yet sincere and from the heart.
This can be done only with the skill, patience, energy, attention to minute detail and sensory perception of a master chef. The students are often the first to admit that most times they not only are clueless in the kitchen, ignorant of the ingredients, lack expertise and the required patience, skill and approach, but are scared of the fire in the oven too. This is the juncture where the master chefs at Access step in:
- With their knowledge of the entire process,
- Unique recipes to bring out the individual flavor of each
and every single student,
- Insight into the specific tastes and preferences of most of
the admission committee gourmets,
- Years of experience serving up the best possible essays for the consumption of the discerning committee.