Peer evaluation is often the most trustworthy-expert speak on candidate potential
The Admissions committee is composed of academicians, faculty, alumni and other senior staff of a college or university. In their primary capacity of being educators, they hold the opinions, evaluation and expectations of another colleague in high esteem. That is exactly why a letter of recommendation from a colleague holds such value. A good recommendation helps you to reach your shortlist universities fast.
- There can be no better judge, sincere appreciator or unbiased
critic of an applicant's caliber than his immediate supervisor
or client for GMAT.
- Similarly for GRE a good recommender is the professor or guide.
At Access, we help you to procure letters that will meet the above criteria by:
- Advising the student on whom to contact, when to contact for
the most effective letter.
- We help you determine the right approach, present the right
information which will help your case and get the maximum out of
a letter since the student is often too embarrassed, overawed or
plain uncomfortable about approaching their employers or
teachers for the letters.
- We help evaluating the quality of a letter and its ultimate impact and help you and your recommender make the letter more effective, complimentary and useful.