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Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame

Ask Our ConsultantMendoza College of Business is a top notch Business School. The Business School fosters academic excellence, professional effectiveness and personal accountability in a situation that strives to be faithful to the ideals of community, human development and individual integrity. Mendoza College of Business features a number of classroom spaces that foster an innovative and creative collaborative learning environment.

Deadlines & Decision Notification for 2016- 2017 :

Early : 28 Sep, 2015
Round 1 :  2 Nov, 2015
Round 2 : 11 Jan 2016
Round 3(Final) : 22 Feb 2016

Application Components

  • Application Fees: $175
  • GMAT or GRE: Required

  • TOEFL or IELTS: Required, Any of the three tests are accepted for review. Non-U.S. citizen applicants may choose to take whichever test is more convenient for them. Test scores must be valid at the time of application review. English language testing waivers will not be granted unless applicants can provide official documentation from the Registrar’s office of their undergraduate institution showing that the primary method of instruction was English. This information is typically reflected on an official transcript but can also be obtained by contacting the Registrar’s office at your undergraduate institution and requesting a special letter be sent to Notre Dame.

  • Undergraduate and post-graduate transcripts: To expedite the processing of your on-line application, you are encouraged to include an unofficial copy of your transcript(s). The University of Notre Dame MBA Program can make an admission decision based upon your submission of an unofficial transcript, however all admitted students must submit an unopened, official transcript to the Mendoza College of Business prior to starting the University of Notre Dame MBA Program. It is extremely important that the registrar from each school complete the cumulative grade-point average section. All international transcripts must be accompanied by an official English translation. Please note that any documents submitted cannot be returned.

  • Letters of recommendation:The University of Notre Dame MBA Program requires an ETS® Personal Potential Index (PPI) Evaluation Report containing a minimum of two (2) evaluations from separate evaluators in order to consider your application complete. The PPI is a third-party evaluative tool administered by the ETS (Educational Testing Service) organization.

  • Essays
    Essays Instructions :- The MBA Admissions Committee places considerable emphasis on your communication skills. Your essay should be a maximum of two pages, double spaced, with your name at the top of each page.  It should address the following question:

    Essay1 : Your responsibility as a lifelong member of the Mendoza community is to Ask More of Business - to personally exemplify the three supporting tenets of individual integrity, organizational excellence, and a concern for the common good.  How do you plan to do this as a student and in your professional career?

    2.Slide Presentation : Effective communication is a central skill for managers and visual presentations are an important and frequent method of communication. Demonstrate your ability to clearly, concisely and persuasively communicate by telling us about yourself, using a short slide presentation. 

    Please consider the following guidelines when creating your presentation:

    You are free to share anything about yourself that you think would be of value to the Admissions Committee. 

    You may create your slides in any software that works for you, but you must save and upload in the MS Powerpoint format (.ppt or .pptx).

    There is a strict maximum of four slides, but you may provide fewer than four if you choose.

    Please be assured that the Admissions Committee will read your essay, your resume, and your transcripts in detail. Your slides are an opportunity to go beyond your academic and work history and demonstrate your fit for the Notre Dame community.

    Optional : Personal Statement / Additional Information3: If there is information that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee that does not appear elsewhere in your application, you may choose to submit a personal statement.  For example, if your undergraduate GPA does not represent your true capabilities, a personal statement is your opportunity to address any relevant circumstances that impacted your performance.

    Please limit your optional statement to one page, typed and double-spaced.

  • Resume: Upload a current copy of your resume.

  • Interview:  College offer all applicants the opportunity to interview on campus in Notre Dame, IN. Applicant-initiated, online and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please schedule your interview online at least two weeks prior to the date you’d like to visit. Once your application has been submitted, interviews are conducted by invitation only. If the Admissions Committee invites you to interview, you will receive the invitation and scheduling information via e-mail.

  • Estimated Total Tuition fees and other expenses : $69,130

Class Profile:

  • Average Age : 27 years
  • Average Work Experience : 5.1 years
  • GMAT Scores : 600-720
  • International Students : 30%

Sample Essay:
Q.My unique experiences and long held community commitment through investing time, effort and thought will channelize my positive energies into making a difference in the Notre Dame community.

With the courage to break away from my comfort zone, the will to rise up and the zeal to be counted, I am propelled to pursue a high value MBA at Mendoza. An MBA from Mendoza will amalgamate my technical and management skills, providing an essential thrust to my career. As a short-term goal, post-MBA .......................................................................... with a strategic view of high-stakes decision-making, by interacting and building strong networks with seniors.

In present economic environment, technology is a catalytic multiplier for every business. A proven technical prowess, complemented by understanding of multiple cultures and management experiences is considered a lynchpin for success. I.....................................................have started the long trek to my career promontory. My belief in choice rather than chance, striving for opportunity against luck and penchant for challenges over safe passages has manifested itself through an array of contingent choices.

In my senior school, while pursuing my choice to diverge from the rat race (emphasis on top grades), I got the chance to appear for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This pursuit opened my intellectual door to a diverse classroom of case analysis. Driven by the same belief in diversity, I broke away from my comfort zone and opted to attend the country’s premier institute-where students from various intellectual spectrums congregated. Four years of ................................ learning during my under-graduation, paved my way to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Working intuitively on key and time critical xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I was faced with a plethora of business and technical challenges. I learnt to take intriguing yet critical decisions in high-pressure environments. These experiences have nurtured a blend of negotiation and leadership skills with integrity and professional ethics forming the backbone. Moreover, working in various functional domains, provided me greater insight into the impact and dependencies of technology on the business processes.

A phenomenal career growth opportunity in India could not assuage my zeal to ascend to the next professional level - light up the shadowed corner of international cultural understanding and broaden my business horizon. While implementing technology solutions for large financial institutes in UK, I gained unprecedented experience of varied business challenges in calm vis-à-vis turbulent economic climate

Engineering academics have endowed me with excellent analytical and problem solving skills, while I have acquired invaluable management lessons with my career progression. Professionally, I have stimulated a personal process oriented approach, ....................... and exposure to navigate the high-stake commitments as part of my prospective roles. A desire to overcome this cognitive barrier, raise my career ceiling now and optimize the opportunity to ascend the ..........................................................

................................... On a long term, with accrued tolerance for risks, original ideas, clubbed with vision encompassing global issues, I plan to move into a start-up xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to my zest for taking challenges and .........................

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