The name has been its best advocate for centuries, and as part of the Oxford University, the Said MBA program continues to be wished and desired across the world by MBA aspirants. It is ranked second in top financial journal worldwide. The essay in the applications package are challenging, with great depth and comprehensive enough to let you rip- so go ahead and give it your best shot- getting in is half the career battle won. Established in 2001, Said Business School is one of Europe's youngest and most entrepreneurial business schools comprised of the various activities like stimulating lectures, Seminars, small group work and team project work.
Program Overview: Full Time MBA
Deadlines & Decision Notification for 2016 : Round1 : 11; Sep; 2015
Round2 : 30; Oct; 2015
Round3 : 8; Jan; 2016
Round4 : 18; Mar; 2016
Round5 : 6; May; 2016
Round6 : 10; June; 2016
Application Components
- Application Fees : £150, Non-Refundable
- GMAT : Required. The average GMAT score of Said MBA students is around 690. It is mandatory requirement that all sections of the GMAT test are taken. Please ensure that the test scores are forwarded by GMAC to the Saïd Business School (code Q0G-4B-59).
- TOEFL or IELTS : Needed if your first language is not English*, you must supply evidence that you have reached the relevant level before submitting your application. TOEFL Min Score : 95
- Waivers: The requirement to provide proof of English language proficiency may be waived, the discretion of the University, in cases where you have successfully completed a full-time degree-level course of a minimum of nine months at a recognized institution where the medium of instruction and assessment is entirely in English.
- Undergraduate and post-graduate transcripts : Students are required to upload all your University degree academic transcripts/mark-sheets to the online application form
- Letters of
2 online recommendations accepted only.
Essay :- - Essays : Mandatory essays :
- Essay 1 : How do you fit with Oxford Saïd's mission? Maximum 500
- Essay 2 : Is there anything not covered in the application form that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you? Maximum 250
- Essay 3 : What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA programme? (for re-applicants only) Maximum 250 words.
- Additional Academic Information :- 1. Please provide details of any research, publications and/or awards. 500 characters.
- 2. Please provide information regarding any relevant professional qualifications that you hold including the professional firm or educational institution attended, qualification, subject, year achieved and result. 500 characters
- 3. Please list your main responsibilities, your most significant challenge and your greatest achievement: 5000 characters
- 4. Please specify your 3 main selection criteria for short listing
- 5. Which interactions with the Said Business School have strongly
influenced your decision to apply?
- What are your immediate post-MBA career plans? Please select all options that apply:
- For Employment --- Respond
- 1. Describe below your immediate post-MBA plans)(1000 characters)
- Preferred Sector post-MBA :
- Preferred Location post-MBA :
- 2. How does your preferred sector in your preferred location recruit MBA talent? Describe the research you have done so far.(1000 characters)
- 3. How do you meet these requirements? (1000 characters)
- 4. What do you plan to do between now and starting your MBA to prepare and maximise your chances of success? (1000 characters)
- 5.Should you not be successful in securing your first choice of role, what is your alternative? (1000 characters)
- For Entrepreneurship ---- Respond
- For Other --- respond
- For Unsure --- respond
- Current resume : Upload current resume in the online application.
- Interview : By Invitation
1. Describe your business idea including details of your business plan and the steps you have taken so far to develop or launch your business idea. (1000 characters)
2. How will the MBA help you start, or further develop, your own business? (1000 characters)
3. What do you plan to do between now and starting your MBA to prepare and maximise your chances of success? (1000 characters)
4. Should you not be successful in developing or launching your own business, what is your alternative? (1000 characters)
1. Describe your immediate post-MBA plans. (1000 characters)
2. How does the MBA fit in your plans and how will it enhance your post-MBA direction?: (1000 characters)
1. How will you develop your career goals before starting your MBA? (1000 characters)
2. What research have you already conducted? What further research will you do? (1000 characters)
3. How will the MBA help equip you for the future? (1000 characters)
Class profile :
Class size : 230
Average GMAT : 692
Average age : 28
Average work experience : 5 years
Sample Essays :
1. Explain why you chose your current job. How do you see your career developing over the next 5 years? How will an MBA assist you in the development of these ambitions? Max 1000 words.
....................................this is what I have always been and this attribute was instrumental in driving me towards a profession which though nascent in India, promised to utilise it pragmatically while also engaging my other strengths of leadership abilities, employing critical strategy for problem solving, ambitious world view and eagerness for taking challenges head-on.
I started as a ....................................................... my efficiency and when he joined as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx offered me a ...................................... I developed and sustained extensive relations with national, regional and trade media for corporate image enhancement and helped achieve .............................................. through strategic planning. ........................, I moved to London to enhance my professional knowledge and skills set and assimilate better exposure to global PR and Communications Industry. I started work as ........................................
While at ....................................................................................).
In Feb 2006, my return to India was synchronous with my long term goal to be a part of the India success story. My future career goal is to move from a multi-faceted to a geocentric profile of an international strategist specializing in emerging markets. My career moves have been ................................ my distinct desire to expand globally and be a part of the changing global and economic climate, the flat world phenomenon and transcend borders. My diverse background, varied work profile and dynamic roles have added veracity to this ambition.
I joined as a Account Director .................................................. Delhi to reorient myself to the Indian ................................................................... I cultivated world-class engineering and development teams while improving sales through customer-driven marketing tactics generated from vital research and paradigm-shifting solutions.
This was when a desire to undertake more challenges and broaden my functional scenario made me consider the exciting one-of-a-kind offer by the London Development Agency in May 2007. A series of grilling interviews later, I was appointed the Chief Representative for the Mayor of London and London Development Agency in August 2007, promising both horizontal and vertical growth.
My experience has proved this premise to be correct as I have worked as an initiator, ideator and implementer at a global level. In my current role, I develop and sustain relationships, network and liaison with international groups and national eminent bodies, and am involved in lobbying for policy changes, international strategy formulations and geocentric exchange initiatives. I have led ........................................................................................ national and international trade associations, academia, business community, media etc. my remarkable prioritization abilities developed through balancing of objectives and straightforward and work focused approach have helped me convert distinct vision into strategic intent and implement it on the ground.
In the next five years, I will proceed towards my long term goal by being a path finder and lead strategist for emerging markets. I want to forge healthier interconnections of political, socio- cultural, environmental and economic events at the global scale. My past experiences have prepared me for this role but I believe ................................................................., analytic and management skills from the masters of this market. There is no better place than the SAID Business School and no better time than the present to acquire holistic preparation and intricate learning learn to manage this.
The highly structured, rigorous and year long MBA Programme will help to develop the adaptive skills I need to translate my dream to ....................................................................