Syndicate Bank Education Loans are quite popular among the students. This student loan covered under SyndVidya Loan Scheme is aimed to meet the recurring expenses of contingent nature that may have to be incurred by students pursuing professional courses.
- Any Indian National, who is an adult or a minor student represented by a guardian can apply for the loan.
- The applicant will be considered eligible if he gets admission to a professional or vocational program on the basis of a selection procedure or an entrance test. However, there can be exceptions made in special cases.
- If you plan to study a program from a reputed foreign university abroad, you can also apply.
- An applicant can apply for Syndicate Bank Education Loans if he wants to study graduate, postgraduate or doctoral programs in India.
- You will also be considered eligible for the loan if you plan to study computer certificate courses of recognized institutes having accreditation to Department of Electronics or affiliation to universities in India.
- An applicant who wants to pursue professional programs in Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Law, Computer and other streams in India will also be considered eligible.
- Specialized courses such as CFA, ICWA; programs by the likes of IIMs, IISc; Evening programs; diploma courses sanctioned by bodies like UGC, AICTE or government; programs of foreign universities or recognized national institutes in India can all be considered for loan.
- If you plan to study abroad a postgraduate course like MBA or MCA, employment-oriented graduate program by recognized university or one by CPA in the US or CIMA-London in abroad, you can apply too.
- Study Abroad -Rs.20 lakhs
- Study in India-Rs.10 lakhs
Several kinds of expenses are covered by Syndicate Bank Education Loans. The college, hostel or school fee and even exam fee is covered by the loan. Other expenses like cost of buying books, travel expenses, cost of essential equipment, caution deposit, building fund and refundable deposit are also taken into account.
- There is no margin on loan amount upto Rs 4 lacs.
- However on a loan amount above Rs 4 lacs, there is a margin of 5% and 15% for studying in India and abroad respectively.
- If you apply for a loan amount above Rs 4 lacs, you need to submit a 3rd party as a guarantee.
- When the amount exceeds Rs 7.5 lacs, you need to submit a collateral security along with 25% margin that covers the amount of loan. In this case, you also need to assign the future income of the student for paying the installments.
You can repay the loan in 5 to 7 years beginning from 6 months after getting a job or 1 year after completing the course, whichever happens earlier.