of Windsor is an internationally oriented, multi-disciplined
instutution. Its basic characteristics of openness, warmth and
support make the University of Windsor an exceptionally welcoming
community for students and faculty from Asia, Europe, and Africa
or from just down the street.
The Odette School of Business MBA program aims at educating
tomorrow's business leaders. The highly integrated core curriculum,
which demonstrates the leading edge of best management practice
worldwide, stresses the inter-relationship among the various
functional areas of business and the changing economic environment.
It brings students face-to-face with a first-class, comprehensive
business education in a friendly and supportive campus environment.
May 1 one and two-year programs
Send applications by March 1 if you require a Student Visa
Co-op interview will follow the deadline date.
Essay Topics:
A 500-word essay explaining why you wish to be considered for
admission to the Windsor Co-op MBA program